Former president Chandrika Bandaranaike yesterday said she had decided to remain neutral at the presidential election, despite a large number of requests for support from some candidates.Issuing a press release, she said she had noted with concern, many media reports stating that she is supporting various candidates in the ongoing presidential election.
“I have not and will not extend my support to any candidate at the 2024 Presidential Election. The future of our country has never faced such uncertainty and challenges as it has today. All voters must reflect seriously when deciding to cast their vote,” she said.
Bandaranaike proposed voters to take into consideration not the individual, but programmes of action presented by each candidate, the manner, procedures and systems they will employ to implement the programmes, as well as the people who will be in charge of implementation.
“Priority should be given to the abolition of the Executive Presidency and to policies for the sectors of; Education, Health, Agriculture (especially small farmer agriculture), Small / Medium Industries and Enterprises, diversification of major Industries and exports, as well as the Plantation Sector, International Trade and Tourism,” she said.
Given below are excerpts of her press statement: “We, the voters, have an inalienable right to demand an assurance from the candidate of our choice, good and honest governance and the elimination of Corruption in government, proper implementation of the promised policies. Most importantly, this would mean the appointment of persons of high integrity, merit and qualifications to the Legislation, the Executive and Judiciary, and to all high posts of government. It would also mean setting up laws, systems, and procedures to ensure good governance and to eliminate the curse of corruption from our government institutions and from our land.
“Let us not forget the massive people’s movement, englobing the entire country, that erupted two years ago in 2022, demanding honesty and accountability in government — A Radical System Change.
“I believe this cannot be achieved through the present system where the citizens vote every 5 years to establish a government but have no say or participation in the way government is managed during the ensuing 5 year period.
“A government structure that includes citizen participation in government— in decision making and implementation is the only solution that could minimize wrong doing in government and achieve our dream of a System Change. It is proposed that a People’s Council be created through the Constitution.
“The Council will act in parallel with the government, to review proposed government policy before it is placed before parliament and give its views to the Cabinet of Ministers, who will take into consideration these views. The Council will also have authority to review implementation of these government policies and report to Parliament as well as to District Peoples’ Committees.
“The Peoples Council will be composed of leaders of Civil Society such as, representatives from Professional Associations/ Business Chambers/Academic Associations — university and school teachers/Trade Unions/ Farmers’ Organizations/ Retired Public Servants/ Artists Associations and NGO’s. 40% of the total membership of the Peoples’ Council will be Youth and 40% will be women.
“Thus, there will be direct participation in government by the People through their representatives. This will be a unique system designed to ensure Democratic governance in Sri Lanka. It will be an effective solution to eliminate corruption and waste, while ensuring efficiency in public services.
The future of our country is in your hands. I appeal to my fellow citizens to reflect seriously on the above proposal and use your precious vote to rebuild our damaged Nation, to rise up once again as an enlightened and great country.”